Carpet cleaners use a variety of chemicals, which is why many customers have asked us. There are many chemicals that can be used to clean carpets. Some chemicals contain toxic and corrosive materials, which can damage your carpet over the long-term use and cause health problems for you and your family. You should choose safe carpet cleaning products.
Citafresh is the ideal cleaning agent if your carpet has become very greasy and has accumulated dirt over time. Citafresh carpet cleaning products have an orange scent which leaves your carpets fresh and clean. It is safe enough to be used on all kinds of carpet fibers and gentle enough to be used on fine silk rugs, as well as woolen carpets for commercial properties. It's also an excellent laundry detergent.
Odaban can be used to eliminate unpleasant odors from dirty carpets. This carpet cleaner absorbs any odors and leaves your carpet with a pleasant odor. It can also be used to eliminate odors in the home and industrial. Odaban can remove sulfur odors as well as smells of rotten vegetables, petroleum products, vomit, and other odors. This is the best carpet cleaner to use if your carpets smell bad after you have finished vacuuming them.
Sensation Carpet Spotter will remove specific stains. You can use it to clean areas that are frequently exposed to blood, vomit, food spillages, and other forms of waste. Sensation Carpet Spotter is able to get rid of feces as well as other wastes, leaving your carpet looking fresh and clean. It can be used to remove manmade fibers without damaging the carpet.
Grease release spotter can be used to remove oily and greasy stains from your carpet. The carpet cleaning chemical can be washed with water. There are no deposits on the carpet fibers. This carpet stain remover is fast and easy to use, which saves you time. It can remove stubborn stains on carpets of all fibers. This carpet cleaner can be used in very small quantities to achieve the desired results. It is highly recommended in both commercial and residential applications.